Theme Areas - Hopster App

The following designs and animations were made for the Hopster App, a streaming subscription platform.
Hopster is designed so that young children can use it, beautiful illustrations work as content buttons, here I show some of my favourite ones.

Personalisation Area

This design holds the content marked as favourite by the user.
Hopster is a magical world that lives in a nature-like environment. Baring that in mind I decided to go for a tree-house design, as it is a relatable concept to personal space, a place where you keep your favourite goods.

Healthy Eating

Designed to promote content featuring healthy eating habits, on the left a close up is shown, I customised the animation and design just for fun.

Caring Boys

For International Mens Day, Hopster decided to promote content featuring their favourite male role models, I designed a few kids chilling in the garden, enjoying nature and taking care of each other to ensure a good front page for the content living in this area.